Saturday, December 31, 2011

OY! It's New Years.


[  ] Play basketball (be able to dunk?)
[  ] Get a girlfriend or at least one step closer
[  ] Work harder on my music than I ever have
[  ] Release album with band and by myself
[  ] Go on a vacation

I'll be back next year to check that ish off!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

oh and...

 I finally sold that piece of shet passat.


So I was just reading all the posts that I've done for this blog and I found it pretty interesting. This time last year I was very optimistic about my life and the direction it was heading. I had a lot of big expectations and high hopes for 2011. Just a few weeks into the year 2011 things started falling a part. I'm not even really sure why. Things continually got worse and all my high expectations for life had gone out the window. I started worrying about this depression I was falling in to and that made things even worse. I just kept replaying instances in my head and questioning them over and over again. Someone who has experience anxiety or depression knows this is one of the worst things you can do. Well, long story short, things didn't start getting better until I moved back to college and started hanging around a lot of people again. I became too busy to worry about the things in my head and eventually my sad thoughts/feelings left me. I have been pretty happy for a couple months now and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I now also have very high expectations for 2012. I am putting music as my first priority. That is what I want out of life and I realized the people who are successful in music are the ones who work the hardest. We'll see what happens. I imagine I won't update this a lot because I never do but I'll try to remember when something big or significant happens. Keep on truckin Danny D.