Sunday, October 13, 2013

oh boy

It has been a very, very long time since I have typed anything in this blog. That is probably a good thing because whenever I turn to this blog it is usually because I'm feeling too much emotion and have no one close enough to me that cares to hear it. Today I'm updating only positive information. The last time I blogged was about a year ago. This year has been great. I moved in with my dad, step mom, step brother and the two most beautiful labs you will ever meet. I learned more about myself this year than I ever have before. I don't need to go into detail though because I know the transformation I've taken. Basically I revealed the truths to myself... It has been a beautiful year. That's all I will say about that because I can't tell you how to do that transformation yourself. I guess my only advice on that subject is to question everything and research the questions you have and they will be revealed to you. My main reason for updating this weird old blog of feelings is because I met a girl... and I like her more than I should at this moment in time. And that scares me. I have waited so long to meet a girl that I really... really... like and now that time is here. I get that feeling in my chest when I think about her. I sure hope things work out. As of right now I'm very excited about the situation I'm in but I'm also aware that this situation can turn negative very fast because it has before. We will see. I like her though and I get the feeling she feels that same about me. We went dancing last night and everything was so natural. We held hands, got close dancing, and even kissed. But the weird thing about that is I never made any moves... neither did she. It was just like a mutual connection. I didn't have to think about kissing her, it just happened. And it was cute :) I like her a lot. Let's hope my next update is positive rather than negative. Either way... I'm prepared for the worst expecting the best. It's hard to get me down when I'm in this mind set :) Much love to you Danny D and whatever happens these next few months. I'm not talking about this girl anymore. COMET ISON. She will be a beauty. The world is about to go through a MAJOR transformation and I CANNOT WAIT!