Thursday, December 30, 2010


My life as Daniel is going pretty good right now. I'm having a good time at home during my break from school and work. I have mostly just been hanging out with my mom but that's been by choice. She is probably the most beautiful person on this earth. I really hope I can find a wife that has as much love in her as my mom does. So far I haven't met a girl like that other than my mom and my sisters. I haven't really been impressed by a girl in a long time. They are just all too fake and in to things that I'm just not in to. I want a girl that doesn't wear makeup and likes to listen to good music but I guess that's too much to ask. Oh well, I'm not in any means looking for a girl to marry anytime soon. It would just be nice to meet a cool girl I could sit down with and talk about life. Maybe my problem is that I grew up with the coolest girls ever and no one will ever compare.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I hardly slept last night and I have been thinking about bed time all day because I've been so tired. I decided to put on some tunes and just chill out for a little bit before going to bed and then I stay up for two hours listening to new music. It's a love/hate relationship. I can never get enough music but that seems to always lead to me not getting enough sleep. Oh well :)
Here is what's keeping me up tonight:

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Oh boy it has been a long day. A good day, but a very long day. I spent my night watching tv with my mom and surfing the web trying to decide what I wanted to spend my Christmas money on. I believe I have found the perfect thing.

One very happy Daniel.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Hey yeah, hi.

So I made this new blog a while ago but every time I sit down to type something my mind just goes blank. Tonight I was looking at and's top songs, albums, and music videos of the year and I thought it would be fun to make my own personal top ten songs of 2010. So here it is:

10. Wavves - Post Acid
9. The Morning Benders - Excuses
8. Deerhunter - He Would Have Laughed
7. Kid CuDi - MANIAC
6. KId CuDi - These Worries
5. Hot Chip - I Feel Better
4. Avey Tare - Oliver Twist
3. Here We Go Magic - Surprise
2. Animal Collective - Mr. Fingers
1. Gorillaz - Empire Ants

Once I started making this list I realized how much good music was released this year and it was SO hard for me to narrow it down to just ten songs. The ones that made the list are the ones that have the most distinctive memories and emotions tied along with them. It has been one of the best years of my life and I'm so eager to get this new year started and see what it brings. It may bring the best year of my life or it may bring the worst. Either way I am sure I will learn a lot more about this life and meet many more special people. I have a lot of big ambitions and goals for this next year and I'm excited to see what it brings.