Thursday, December 30, 2010


My life as Daniel is going pretty good right now. I'm having a good time at home during my break from school and work. I have mostly just been hanging out with my mom but that's been by choice. She is probably the most beautiful person on this earth. I really hope I can find a wife that has as much love in her as my mom does. So far I haven't met a girl like that other than my mom and my sisters. I haven't really been impressed by a girl in a long time. They are just all too fake and in to things that I'm just not in to. I want a girl that doesn't wear makeup and likes to listen to good music but I guess that's too much to ask. Oh well, I'm not in any means looking for a girl to marry anytime soon. It would just be nice to meet a cool girl I could sit down with and talk about life. Maybe my problem is that I grew up with the coolest girls ever and no one will ever compare.

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