Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rhino Rocket

Oh man, what a night it's been! I came home from work exhausted and had a good home cooked meal with my mom. My plan was to take a shower, do some laundry, and watch some tv. My body had a different plan. I was about to get in the shower when my nose started bleeding. I put some tissue up my nose thinking that the problem would be resolved in a couple of minutes. After about twenty minutes my nose was still bleeding. I decided I would go lay down on my bed and take a little nap while my nose finished it's little bleed sesh. I woke up, took out the tissue, but my nose had just gotten worse. By this time my nose had been bleeding for over an hour so I went and told my mom. We decided that we should go to the doctor and see if they could clot my nose and make the bleeding stop. None of the insta-cares we went to were open so we went to the emergency room. We waited for over an hour before the doctor finally came in and saw us. He tried to clot my nose for about a half hour but nothing was working. He then said that he was going to have to resort to "packing my nose". I thought this meant he was going to stick a mixture of gauze and chemicals up my nose. Boy, was I wrong.

I have this thing called a Rhino Rocket in my nose for the next three days. It's basically a nose tampon filled with air and it hurts really, really bad. I sure hope my nose has stopped bleeding by the time they take this thing out because I don't want to know what contraption comes next. I have had some bad luck lately.

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