Saturday, December 31, 2011

OY! It's New Years.


[  ] Play basketball (be able to dunk?)
[  ] Get a girlfriend or at least one step closer
[  ] Work harder on my music than I ever have
[  ] Release album with band and by myself
[  ] Go on a vacation

I'll be back next year to check that ish off!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

oh and...

 I finally sold that piece of shet passat.


So I was just reading all the posts that I've done for this blog and I found it pretty interesting. This time last year I was very optimistic about my life and the direction it was heading. I had a lot of big expectations and high hopes for 2011. Just a few weeks into the year 2011 things started falling a part. I'm not even really sure why. Things continually got worse and all my high expectations for life had gone out the window. I started worrying about this depression I was falling in to and that made things even worse. I just kept replaying instances in my head and questioning them over and over again. Someone who has experience anxiety or depression knows this is one of the worst things you can do. Well, long story short, things didn't start getting better until I moved back to college and started hanging around a lot of people again. I became too busy to worry about the things in my head and eventually my sad thoughts/feelings left me. I have been pretty happy for a couple months now and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I now also have very high expectations for 2012. I am putting music as my first priority. That is what I want out of life and I realized the people who are successful in music are the ones who work the hardest. We'll see what happens. I imagine I won't update this a lot because I never do but I'll try to remember when something big or significant happens. Keep on truckin Danny D.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Probably a good idea for me to do one of my random updates. I moved back to college a couple weeks ago and things are going good. I have made some good friends that I'm excited to get to know even better throughout the school year. I love my classes. I love my job. For the most part I'm just loving my life. There isn't any major highs going on but no major lows either which is one really GOOOOD sign. This last spring and summer were absolute hell. Never again do I want to enter that dark place where I was. I don't even like to think about it. Life has gotten normal again and I'm so thankful for that. Being back in school and around people all the time has been so healthy for me. I wonder where this year will take me............


Friday, August 19, 2011

Summers Close

So I'm sitting here at my dads house, watching tv and thinking about how odd this summer was. When I was here back in May my life started to fall apart. I felt like my life had no purpose or meaning. I started having extreme anxiety and depression that was almost too much to handle. I still have no idea what caused me to experience this negative downfall but I just figured everybody has to experience it sometime during their life. Not only was I experiencing negative emotions I was also having a lot of physical problems. I was sick for two months with a sinus infection, then I had a bloody nose of a lifetime that had to be plugged with an inflatable tampon. This stuff just added towards my anger at life. No matter what I did nothing seemed to help. I just sat on my computer and playstation trying to make the days pass. Things just kept getting worse and my emotional breakdowns were becoming more frequent. Things finally started getting better about a month ago. I bought a book about dealing with depression and it gave me some good advice about how to deal with my feelings. During the summer I was also recording a lot of music. I decided before summer even started that I was going to record a whole album and release it. That's exactly what I did. No one will ever know how much that album means to me. The night I finished it, I went for a drive in my car and listened to it. I had chills the entire time. Every song that I listened to brought back the feelings I had when I was recording it. It was almost like me releasing that album was me defeating all that negativity that I had built up inside me. I have been so much more happy and stable ever since I made that album. It has been a long and lonely summer though and I'm so anxious to get back to being busy and being around humans again. lol. If life decides to take a negative drop again I know that I can handle it and it will pass. Always does.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Things are getting better. Not much to say other than that.



Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rhino Rocket

Oh man, what a night it's been! I came home from work exhausted and had a good home cooked meal with my mom. My plan was to take a shower, do some laundry, and watch some tv. My body had a different plan. I was about to get in the shower when my nose started bleeding. I put some tissue up my nose thinking that the problem would be resolved in a couple of minutes. After about twenty minutes my nose was still bleeding. I decided I would go lay down on my bed and take a little nap while my nose finished it's little bleed sesh. I woke up, took out the tissue, but my nose had just gotten worse. By this time my nose had been bleeding for over an hour so I went and told my mom. We decided that we should go to the doctor and see if they could clot my nose and make the bleeding stop. None of the insta-cares we went to were open so we went to the emergency room. We waited for over an hour before the doctor finally came in and saw us. He tried to clot my nose for about a half hour but nothing was working. He then said that he was going to have to resort to "packing my nose". I thought this meant he was going to stick a mixture of gauze and chemicals up my nose. Boy, was I wrong.

I have this thing called a Rhino Rocket in my nose for the next three days. It's basically a nose tampon filled with air and it hurts really, really bad. I sure hope my nose has stopped bleeding by the time they take this thing out because I don't want to know what contraption comes next. I have had some bad luck lately.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Party On Wheels

Man, I haven't updated this thing 4everessance. Maybe it's the fact I have absolutely nothing to say.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy times.

Sometimes I wonder why happiness never stays. I always get happy and stoked on my life just to find myself being very negative and unhappy with everything just a week later. Maybe it's just how life is. Maybe it's just a personal problem I have. Who knows? Not this guy. I'm as confused as a button. See now you're confused too. Now look at us, WE ARE ALL CONFUSED!!! I'm just jk but really, I believe there is a certain amount of good things and bad things in this world. It seems like if I'm having the best time of my life it always crashes down into the worst time of my life, or visa versa. But I guess good can't exist without the bad if you really think about it. Whenever I start thinking about this kind of stuff I just end up in a spiral of strange thinking and I can never seem to find answers. Maybe that should be a sign to me to just stop thinking about this stuff and let nature take it's course. Maybe I can work out my worries n' meh woes @ wurk. L8er.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


So it's 2011 now and I must say I'm thrilled. I hate when things come to end but I'm so anxious for this next year I don't even care 2010 is over. I decided I'm making something of myself this year. I can't exactly say what that is going to be but it's going to happen. Peace, love and good happiness stuff.